Coming with your Spring 2018 Newsletter is our new booklet. This was created during last summer and winter and is a collection of photographs and descriptions of most of the plants we have in our lake.

The booklet is printed on water resistant paper to make it possible for you to take out in your boat and look at the plants you see growing along the shoreline. It’s important to beome familiar with our native plants and keep an eye out for invasives which can take over a lake and make recreational activities like fishing and swimming difficult, if not impossible. We know that lakes all around us are dealing with the issue of plants like Hydrilla, Milfoil, and now European Naiad. It’s inevitable that one or more will show up here and if we catch it quickly we can prevent it gaining a foothold.

Please use your booklet to become familiar with our plants, consider joining the Plant Paddle on August 11, and keep an eye out for anything unusual.

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