The Red Buoys

WLA’s core mission is water quality – preserving the asset that brought all of us here in the first place – Wilson Lake. Some time ago, there was concern that high speed wakes could erode shoreline soils into the lake and that motorboat props in shallow water could disturb the lake bottom and promote algae blooms. So as part of our mission, the WLA placed red buoys around the Lake to mark the 200’ “headway speed only” zone recognized by Maine law.

Recently WLA removed the buoys partly because we believe they have not been a big factor in improving water quality. Water quality has improved because of efforts by the WLA, AWWA, our two road associations and individual homeowners to limit or eliminate non-point source pollution, especially runoff from big rainstorms, from reaching the lake directly.

We recognize that by marking the 200’ zone, the buoys may have contributed to safer boating practices on the lake. However, the state no longer issues permits for using such buoys, and expects boaters to know and respect the 200’ zone. The responsibility to change unsafe boating practices has always been up to each of us as individuals, homeowners and a community that cares. If you see a watercraft being operated dangerously, especially in the 200’ zone, take a picture with your cell phone or camera – and call Game Warden, Carlton Richardson at (207) 657-2345. You can, also, call the Maine State Police at 207-657-3030 or 1-800-228-0857.

We are so fortunate to have the Safe Boating course offered right here in Acton by our own Bob Anderson, and encourage all boaters and jet skiers to sign up for this course. It is one of a very few to be offered in Maine. Call Bob at 207-477-8588 for more information or to register.

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