Maine Volunteer Lake Monitoring Program will present Invasive Plant Training 101 at the Anderson Learning Center on Bradeen Street in Springvale on June 16 from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. This is a free course to teach us to recognize the 11 most invasive aquatic plants that threaten Maine waterways. This is a great opportunity to learn to recognize these plants which threaten the recreational, aesthetic and financial values of our waterfront properties.

This interesting workshop will include a slide presentation as well as a hands-on session to see the plants live and up close. You may take it for your own educational experience or choose to become a certified plant watcher. Either way, you will be an important part of Wilson Lake’s Plant Patrol and we will be happy to present you with an official WLA Invasive Plant Patrol T shirt when you complete the day’s activities.

To register, go to and sign up under “Workshops and Events.”

WLA is proud to be a co-sponsor of this event.

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