The snow is finally gone, the ice has melted and folks are working on their yards, bringing out the picnic tables and getting ready to put the docks in!

That means the Wilson Lake Association has already held its first meeting and started planning for summer events. This year we will again host a Breakfast Social on June 30th, the Boat Parade on July 4th, our Annual Meeting with guest speakers from Springvale Nursery on July 7th, a Guided Plant Paddle on August 11th, and new this year: Kayak Races to wind up the season on September 1st.

We’ve also explored how we will collect data to track the water quality trends in the lake. Our own Rich Chevalier will continue to obtain certification from VLMP (Now named “Lake Stewards of Maine: Volunteer Lake Monitor Program”) and test for dissolved oxygen, temperature and water clarity. In addition, we’ll continue testing bi-weekly by the UNH team which is conducting tests on phosphorus, chlorophyll-A, alkalinity and pH, and cyanotoxin testing by Stephanie Thornton of AWWA. All this data helps us understand the trends of our water quality, especially when viewed over years of accumulation.

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