Above the eastern shore of Wilson Lake sits Romac Orchards, crowned by Goat Hill. Many of us have been taking our families to pick apples and enjoy the beautiful view from the summit. This property has been for sale for several years and Three Rivers Land Trust is working “…to pioneer a strategic new approach to conservation….The immediate task is to mobilize resources to conserve the spectacular 240 acre site… known as Goat Hill…”

“The Goat Hill/Romac Orchard campaign will kick off a broader, longer range vision to create a conservation area of roughly 2,000 acres in Acton and Shapleigh, owned by five contiguous landowners, who are all willing to work together toward conservation of this special place….this would provide further protection for our watersheds and lakes, in addition to conserving even more land for future generations of working farms and forests.”

“The 240-acre Romac property is available for conservation for $730,000. The Town of Acton is contributing $100,000 toward purchase of the spectacular hilltop, as a result of a favorable bond authorization vote. Maine Farmland Trust has pledged $200,000, A farm buyer has made a down payment on purchasing the farm and forest for $265,000. To meet the deadline and purchase the property, Three Rivers Land Trust must now raise an additional $180,000…”*

We can all help by making a pledge of $500 or more, or contributing smaller amounts that fit our personal budgets. For information on how you can help, please contact: Ruth Gutman at 207-370-4191, or threeriversmembership@icloud.com

*quoted text from “Save Goat Hill” a Three Rivers Land Trust brochure created for this compaign

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